Life of Pi Earrings
Earrings made from the deck floor of the Broadway production Life of Pi. Designed by our artists, these earrings honor the production by retaining not only the intial original paint treatment from the show, but also the original screw holes and blocking marks!
We have 2 different general size specifications to offer, in both symmetrical and asymmestrical styles. Final Strike was only able to salvage a small portion of this deck - so get them while they last!
Materials Fact: The arboron material these are made of is a paper, plastic and resin composit that works as a durable, smooth surface to paint on, and is used frequently as the show decks of Broadway productions. If you like these, let us know and we'll look to source more of this material from shows in the future!
These are made of the show floor from Life of Pi at the Schoenfeld Theatre. Life of Pi opened on Broadway March 30th, and the community assumed it would be around for a while. The show was visually stunning, won 3 Tony's, 1 of which was for Scenic Design - so the flooring pieces these came from is TONY AWARD WINNING!
Unfortunately, Life of Pi closed earlier than anyone expected, on July 23rd, 2023. Luckily, we were able to grab some of the material before it was all completely trashed!